Monday, April 18, 2005

Same story, contradictory reports

Was reading the TOI today. There was a piece on the front page which said that Sanjay Dutt had got into a brawl in a bar. I read it. It said..
Actor Sanjay Dutt was involved in a brawl at the Enigma discotheque at JW Marriott Hotel, Juhu, late on Saturday night. Sanjay, according to a source, was with actor Salman Khan and making the most of the weekend.
Apparently, on one occasion, Salman teased him, following which Sanjay, who already had a few drinks, entered into an argument with him.A few youths, who were dancing at the disco along with their girlfriends, took pictures of the actors on their camera phones.
While Salman left the place, Sanjay got wild with the youths who were shooting him on their mobile phones and started hitting and abusing them. He said they had no business clicking his snaps. A few glasses were broken in the process. All these happened around 1 am.
While the brawl was on, a corporator of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) from Thane, Pratap Sarnaik, walked into the disco with his friends. “When I saw Sanjay in action, I intervened. I identified myself and told him that his behaviour was unbecoming of the son of a Union minister (Sunil Dutt of the Congress). At this, Sanjay abused the Congress. I asked him to behave himself. Meanwhile, bouncers at the disco stepped in and escorted Sanjay out of the disco. They did not rough him but politely led him out of the place,” Sarnaik told TOI on Sunday.
Sanjay was unavailable for comment, but his personal assistant Kalim confirmed that the actor was at the disco on Saturday night. But he said “you have got a wrong version of the episode. Somebody is distorting the facts.”
He declined to state what the “facts” were. JW Marriott spokesperson pleaded ignorance about the incident. The disco is closed on Sundays and the manager was not available for comment. Nobody has lodged a complaint with the police.
I thought "lets check out if the other newspapers put the "facts" differently". I subsequently read the Indian Express and then Mid day. The Indian Express says..
Actor Sanjay Dutt pushed around a fan who, with a friend, insisted on taking cellphone photos of the star in the parking area of Juhu’s J.W. Marriot hotel, eyewitnesses said. No injuries were reported and no police complaint was filed by either Dutt or the man who was attacked.
There were many eyewitnesses but Dutt — known for his hot temper — denied any brawl. "Nothing like that ever happened," he said. The hotel also denied the incident.
The incident happened around 2 am. Dutt had dropped by at the Marriot’s nightclub, Enigma, to meet Salman Khan, who was with the people working on Marigold, Khan’s Hollywood project.
After spending 15 minutes with Khan, Dutt was about to leave for home when two men, "corporate types", in the words of one eyewitness, insisted on taking photos with their cellphone cameras. The men even asked Dutt to pose with his Landcruiser.
Dutt, a few drinks down, refused. "But these men went on trying to take photos, so Sanjay started beating one of them and flung his cellphone," an eyewitness said. Dutt then drove away.
The Mid Day also corroborated the Indian Express more or less. The article can be found here. What I dont understand is how can two newspapers report the same thing differently. May be they spoke to different people. May be they got their stories from clashing parties. Whatever, I don't care for either party.


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