Saturday, April 09, 2005


I am liberated at last. Successfully completed the testing of the programs I had coded. I had run into some rough weather yesterday with the testing and had to be here till late. I returned home quite late yesterday and found that I had only a packet of Maggi noodles to eat. After devouring it in no time I was still famished and could have easily eaten another packet. I made it up to my tummy by having a double breakfast in the morning. Even today morning I had to run a background task which abended (jargon for abnormal termination or ending) and had to go through the entire code of that task and a couple of other programs it was calling to pinpoint and eliminate it. I was aprehensive, as yesterday the background task code was making no sense to me. But today, when I needed it, it unraveled with ease. Seredipity my dear blog. Again to my rescue.

Enough of self panegyrics, now back to normal blogging. With the work now over, I can have a nice relaxed weekend in Mumbai. One of my teammates has returned from UK and he will be joining office on Monay, that is, if he feels like it. I hope he brings lots of chocolates for us to devour.
Came across a couple of nice pieces on Amit's blog. Find them here and here.

I hope we win tomorrow and take an unassailable lead in the series. It would be more fun if we wrap it up before the last match as the General is supposed to come to Delhi to watch it and it would be great if he is watching a dead rubber.

Update1: When I was trying to post this, the server was down and I couldn't upload it. It was salvaged using the blogger's recover the post facility.

Update2: Got a nice mail of appreciation from the client for the work I had done last week.


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