Big Brother
The government has finally decided to ban [snip] on screen for movies released after October. First it was reported that the I&B Ministry had written to the Health Minister that such a ban was difficult to impose. Then some activities happened behind the scenes and a compromise reached. It was decided to impose the ban with retrospective effect. So the old films have been sparred and so has been a lot of effort to screen them.
Now the next logical thing to do is to ban [snip] from appearing in books too. Will not the kids of the next generation who grow up not knowing what [snip] is, having never seen it on screen (sic), have an urge to try for it when they read books where [snip] is glorified? The next level in censorship is not too far away.
Another statement made by the I&B Minister almost simultaneously was regarding why Indian editions of foreign newspapers are not allowed in India. According to Mr. Reddy, the Indian newspapers will not be in a position to withstand the competition. So he uses his anal(-)ytical reasoning to keep us having what the newspapers such as the Slimes dish out. In short he decides what we read.
Big Brother taking shape?
Update: The government has finally decided to allow foreign newspapers to print facsimile editions in the country!
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